How to Put on a Baby Carrier

How to Put On a Baby Carrier: A Step-by-Step Guide for Safe and Comfortable Babywearing

Baby carriers are a wonderful tool for keeping your baby close and your hands free. They offer numerous benefits, including bonding with your baby, convenience, and the ability to move about freely while providing comfort and security to your little one. However, to enjoy these advantages to the fullest, it’s crucial to learn how to properly put on a baby carrier. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps for safe and comfortable babywearing.

The Importance of Proper Baby Carrier Use

Before we delve into the details of how to put on a baby carrier, let’s briefly discuss why it’s essential to use baby carriers correctly:

  1. Safety: Proper use of a baby carrier ensures your baby’s safety, reducing the risk of accidents or discomfort.
  2. Comfort: When worn correctly, baby carriers evenly distribute your baby’s weight, preventing strain on your back and shoulders.
  3. Bonding: Baby carriers promote a strong emotional bond between you and your baby by keeping them close.
  4. Convenience: They allow you to carry out daily tasks while keeping your baby content and secure.

Now, let’s explore the step-by-step process of putting on a baby carrier.

Step 1: Choose the Right Baby Carrier

Before you begin, ensure you’ve chosen the appropriate baby carrier for your needs. There are several types of baby carriers, including soft-structured carriers (SSC), wraps, slings, mei tais, and ring slings. Each type has its unique way of wearing, so make sure you have the right one for your baby’s age, your comfort, and your desired carrying position.

Step 2: Prepare Your Baby

  • Make sure your baby is clean, dry, and well-fed before you start. This will help ensure their comfort during babywearing.

Step 3: Check the Carrier

  • Before you put on the baby carrier, inspect it for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure all straps, buckles, and ties are in good condition. Safety should always come first.

Step 4: Adjust the Carrier

  • Depending on your baby’s age and the type of carrier you’re using, make any necessary adjustments. For example, if you’re using a soft-structured carrier, adjust the seat width to accommodate your baby’s legs comfortably.

Step 5: Put On the Carrier

For Soft-Structured Carriers (SSC):

  1. Put on the Carrier: Place the carrier around your waist and secure the waistband. The carrier should be centered and snug but not too tight.
  2. Position the Straps: Hold your baby against your chest, facing you, and gently slide their legs through the leg openings of the carrier.
  3. Secure the Straps: Bring the shoulder straps over your shoulders and cross them at the back or simply pull them over your shoulders. Check if the buckles or ties are secure.
  4. Adjust the Straps: Tighten or loosen the shoulder straps until the carrier feels comfortable and secure. Ensure your baby is in an ergonomic position with their knees higher than their bottom, forming an “M” shape.
  5. Check Your Baby’s Position: Ensure your baby’s airways are clear, and their head is supported. You should be able to see your baby’s face at all times.

For Wraps:

  1. Place the Wrap: Start with the middle of the wrap at your chest. Secure it with a knot or tuck it under your chin.
  2. Position Your Baby: Hold your baby against your chest, facing you. Spread the fabric over their back, ensuring it extends from knee to knee.
  3. Cross the Wrap: Cross the fabric over your baby’s back and bring it behind your shoulders.
  4. Tie the Wrap: Secure the wrap by tying it at your back or on your hip, depending on the wrapping style you prefer.
  5. Adjust as Necessary: Ensure the wrap is snug but not too tight. Your baby’s weight should be well-distributed across your shoulders and hips.

For Ring Slings:

  1. Put on the Sling: Place the ring sling over one shoulder and position it diagonally across your torso.
  2. Thread the Fabric: Thread the loose end of the fabric through the rings.
  3. Position Your Baby: Hold your baby against your chest, facing in. Slide their legs through the fabric, creating a pouch.
  4. Tighten the Sling: Pull the tail of the fabric through the rings to tighten the sling. Ensure your baby is secure and snug.
  5. Check Your Baby’s Position: Ensure your baby’s head is supported and their airways are clear.

Step 6: Double-Check for Safety

  • After putting on the carrier, take a moment to ensure everything is secure and comfortable. Check your baby’s position, their airways, and the tightness of the carrier.

Step 7: Enjoy Babywearing

  • With your baby securely in the carrier, you’re ready to enjoy the benefits of babywearing. Whether you’re going for a walk, doing household chores, or simply enjoying close bonding time, babywearing is a valuable tool for both you and your little one.

Additional Tips for Safe and Comfortable Babywearing

  1. Practice: It may take a little practice to perfect your babywearing technique. Be patient and take your time to get it right.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Dress in layers to accommodate your baby’s body heat. Avoid overdressing your baby.
  3. Baby’s Age and Development: Adjust the baby carrier according to your baby’s age and developmental stage. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for weight and age limits.
  4. Check Periodically: While babywearing, periodically check on your baby’s comfort, and ensure they’re not overheating or getting too cold.
  5. Listen to Your Baby: Pay attention to your baby’s cues. If they seem uncomfortable or fussy, make necessary adjustments.
  6. Stay Hydrated: Especially in warm weather, remember to stay hydrated as you and your baby might get warm while babywearing.


Properly putting on a baby carrier is a fundamental skill for parents and caregivers. It not only ensures the safety and comfort of your baby but also fosters a strong emotional bond. By following these step-by-step instructions and keeping safety in mind, you can enjoy the many benefits of babywearing. Remember, every baby is unique, so take the time to practice and find the technique that works best for both you and your little one. Happy babywearing!

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